
What Others Say About Me

Technology Company

"As a decision-maker at a leading technology company, I often faced the challenge of conducting complex negotiations and managing contracts critical to our business success. Working with Josef Leschanz-Knapp brought about a profound transformation in our approach to these challenges.

Customized negotiation concepts and personal coaching not only significantly improved our negotiation skills but also optimized our claim management and sharpened our corporate strategy. The practical seminars and workshops also elevated my team's negotiation prowess to a new level.

The flexibility and adaptability of the consulting allowed us to develop specific solutions for the unique challenges of our industry. The successes speak for themselves: improved business deals, more effective contract management, and a strengthened market position.

I recommend Josef Leschanz-Knapp to any company looking to sustainably enhance its negotiation capabilities and business success. Investing in his services pays off with unmatched expertise and tailored consulting that truly makes a difference."


IT Company

"The transformation of our sales organization is largely due to Josef. With his solid knowledge and unique, creative approaches, Josef laid the foundation for our now thriving sales structure. Step by step, he led us to success with practical strategies, demonstrating not only a comprehensive understanding of sales complexity but also a remarkable ability to innovate.

Furthermore, Josef was an indispensable companion in critical negotiation processes. His coaching and imparting of deep negotiation expertise taught us to stand firm in discussions without hastily making compromises. Josef equipped us with clear explanations and proven negotiation techniques, giving us a significant advantage.

His strategic leadership and tactical skill in negotiations have been instrumental in achieving considerable financial benefits. Thanks to Josef, we were able to save costs and negotiate better contract terms, securing our long-term business success. His role in developing our sales organization and optimizing our negotiation leadership cannot be overstated."

Mag. Arnold Scherabon

Mag. Arnold Scherabon
CEO & Co-Founder, Legal Tech Services GmbH

Logistics Company

"Josef Leschanz-Knapp's expertise in strategic negotiation is an absolute win for our transport and logistics company. His customized training, which delved deep into the specifics of the logistics industry, has inspired our sales and dispatch team alike.

Josef managed to make complex subjects understandable and applicable, enabling us to significantly improve our negotiation outcomes and increase profits.
His passion and comprehensive knowledge have not only motivated but also effected lasting change."

Head of Business Unit 
Logistics Company

IT-Security Company

"Thanks to Josef, we received the decisive impulse to clearly define and implement our corporate strategy. His professional expertise and supportive accompaniment have been instrumental in clarifying our vision and mission and achieving our goals with consistent pursuit.

The negotiation training with Josef was not only extremely engaging but also highly informative. His captivating teaching style and the practicality of the exercises helped us to effectively assert our interests in everyday life. Josef's training has already brought us a lot, and we are grateful for his support on our path to success."

KommR Prof. Hans-Jürgen Pollirer
KommR Prof. Hans‑Jürgen Pollirer SECUR‑DATA Betriebsberatungs GmbH

Berger Logistik

JLK hat eine besondere Begabung die Teilnehmer auf seiner Reise und Leidenschaft für das Thema „strategische Verhandlungsführung“ mitzunehmen und zu begeistern.

Als branchenfremder war es beeindruckend, wie schnell er spezifische Sachverhalte in unser Training aufnehmen konnte, was zu einer sehr praxisbezogenen Veranstaltung führte und sich jeder Teilnehmer abgeholt fühlte.

Seine Kompetenz und umfangreiches Wissen im Bereich der Verhandlungsführung ist sehr beeindruckend!

Thomas Meixner
Business Unit Leiter Road & Rail, Berger Logistik GmbH


Aufgrund der geopolitischen Änderungen und daraus resultierenden Konsequenzen waren wir in der Situation mit unseren Kunden Gespräche zu Preisanpassungen führen zu müssen.

JLK hat seinerseits gute Branchenkenntnisse und dadurch konnte er für unser Training das perfekte Gleichgewicht von Theorie und Praxis finden.

Nach dem Training verspürten wir alle die Lust auf die nächste Verhandlung und mit einem Konzept, das uns am Ende ans Ziel gebracht hat, ohne dabei die guten bestehenden Beziehungen zu unseren Kunden zu gefährden.

Die Workshops sind sehr interaktiv und vor allem zur Gänze auf Geislinger und die Teilnehmer zugeschnitten. Wir waren von Anfang an in „unserer Welt“ unterwegs und konnten dadurch unmittelbar unsere Verhandlungen erfolgreicher durchführen.

Zusätzlich zu den Seminaren hat uns das Coaching von schwierigen Verhandlungen sehr viel gebracht.

Dipl. Ing. Torsten Phillip
CEO, Geislinger GmbH
